Ansible vs Juju

January 26, 2022

Ansible vs Juju

When it comes to DevOps, the main goal is to automate processes and streamline development operations teams to achieve operational efficiency. Ansible and Juju are popular tools that aid in the automation of tasks in DevOps.

In this blog post, we will provide an unbiased comparison of Ansible and Juju and see what sets them apart.

Installation and Setup

Ansible and Juju are both open-source tools, which means they can be installed for free. Ansible is relatively easy to install as it is written in Python and comes pre-installed on many operating systems.

On the other hand, Juju requires more effort to install and set up. It uses a client-server architecture and requires a controller node for deployments.

Winner: Ansible

Ease of Use

Ansible and Juju both have a learning curve, and it takes time to get comfortable with them. Ansible uses a declarative language, and it's relatively simple to create, read, and modify playbooks if you have programming knowledge.

On the other hand, Juju uses a more graphical UI-based approach, and it's relatively easier for non-programmers to use.

Winner: Juju


Ansible and Juju are both scalable tools, but Juju has a slight edge over Ansible. Juju has an efficient way of deploying applications to multiple machines using a single command. It also provides container orchestration, which greatly simplifies app deployment on a large scale.

In comparison, Ansible requires a task to be performed on each machine separately, making it less efficient than Juju for large-scale deployments.

Winner: Juju

Community Support

Ansible and Juju have active communities, and they provide excellent support to their users. Ansible has a larger community with plenty of resources available online. It's easier to find Ansible playbooks and modules that cater to specific needs due to the vast developer community.

Juju has a smaller community, but Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, supports it. It also has extensive documentation and tutorials available on their website.

Winner: Ansible


In conclusion, both Ansible and Juju are valuable tools in the world of DevOps. While Ansible is easier to install and has a larger community, Juju provides a more graphical UI-based approach and is more efficient when it comes to large-scale deployments.

When choosing between Ansible and Juju, it's essential to consider the specific needs of your project, your team's expertise, and how easy it is to integrate with your existing toolset.


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